Physical Skills
Technical Skills

Tactical Skills

Mental Skills

Attacking Skills
Defensive Skills

Info Box
– Known as CR7
– An incredible and complete striker known for his exceptional skills and goal-scoring prowess.
– Cuts inside
– Hits free kicks with power
– Knocks ball past opponent
– Shoots from distance
– Shoots with power
– Tries bycicle kicks
Additional Skills
Aerial Threat
Clinical Striker
Power Shooter
With diva-like airs, dives, sprints, hypertrophic thighs, and nets swollen in every conceivable manner, Cristiano Ronaldo is a footballer who continually and drastically evolves throughout his long career.
Initially a juggler, mocking adversaries—though skilled, to be clear!—he gradually transforms into a formidable center-forward, often at the expense of his own teammates.
He simplifies his play style to distill his essence into the pure act of scoring goals.
Few frills now, even fewer dribbles, but cunning and relentless cynicism in front of the net, and an obsession with scoring surpassed only by his obsession with himself.
The Portuguese is the ultimate expression of the most blatant and thunderous egoism on a football field. The mad Sacchi would have despised him, alas!